Organized by the National Consortium on SRI (NCS)
Date: January 13, 2012 , Venue: Council for Social Development, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

System of Rice Intensification - a synthesis of Scientific Experiments and Experiences
Author(s): B.J. Pandian, D. Rajakumar and S. Chellamuthu
December 2011,
Tamilnadu Agricultural University in collaboration with National Consortium of SRI >>Read more

National Consortium on SRI (NCS) - Brochure
National Consortium of SRI, December 2011 >>Read more

Enhancing employment and sustaining production - Framework for Integration of System of Rice Intensification with Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)
National Consortium of SRI,
December 2011 >>Read more