Upscaling SRI in the XII Plan
Organized by the National Consortium on SRI (NCS)
Date: January 13, 2012 , Venue: Council for Social Development, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

The Planning Commission set up a sub- group under the DARE Working Group of XII Plan, to discuss issues of up-scaling agro-ecological innovations, particularly emphasizing on SRI. The report suggested setting up an innovative institutional architecture for inclusive up-scaling. Similarly other sub-groups in the Departments of Agriculture & Co-operation, and Extension, and in the Ministry of Rural Development have also debated and recommended SRI as a leading agro-ecological innovation that has potential to address issues of sustainable food security. In this regard, we are organizing a half day Round Table discussion among the important stakeholders on bringing together the multiple ideas that have emerged as part of the XII Plan discussions, and developing a concrete plan for up-scaling. It needs substantial resource allocation, capacity building and putting in place a knowledge-based extension system. The convergence of minds, ideas and resources, clarity of purpose and a common direction are of urgent need, a round-table discussion on "Upscaling SRI in the XII plan" was organized on 13th January, 2012 (9:00 AM to 1 P.M.) at the Council for Social Development, New Delhi.
Here are the proceedings, photos, presentations and papers from the Round Table discussion.