Invitation Letter
Abstract Submission
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Programme (SRI National Symposium 2007)

It is proposed to have invited papers, poster presentations, farmers’ experiences, and panel discussions in the Symposium. Invited participants from the other South Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan will also attend and share their experiences and lessons learnt in SRI utilization. The presentations shall address various issues covering the present status, progress, research results and current debates of SRI adoption and its impact in enhancing water saving, input use efficiency, and production and productivity of rice. Panel discussions will address topics like policy implications of scaling-up SRI method in India for various ecosystems. Poster presentation will parallel the session themes. There will be one day-field visit to SRI fields in Tripura to gain first hand information of their success in SRI adoption in a large scale.


The proposed sessions or themes for the workshop are:

1. Experiences of SRI adoption/promotion in India 

Diversity of approaches and extension methodologies 

Difficulties, constraints and deficiencies in promotion and scaling-up 
Institutional and policy mechanisms
2. Farmers experiences with SRI method of cultivation

New or improved implements (e.g., markers and weeders)

Innovations in crop establishment and crop management
Constraints of SRI adoption – how to overcome
3. Research activities on SRI in India

Theoretical and conceptual issues in SRI (Roles of soil biology/microbiology) 

Modifications being introduced in water, soil, nutrient and weed management 
Quality (of grain & straw) as affected by SRI method 
Varietal responses (according to different soils, field conditions, varieties etc.) 
Innovations in implements, mechanisation etc. 
Economic evaluation and impact assessment of SRI system
4. Panel discussion on policy, research and extension support to SRI