SRI in Northeast India
December 31st, 2010, Sustainability Quest (Echo Asia's Blog)
Among millions of rice growers throughout Asia, SRI rice production is still very much the exception rather than the rule. However, the promotion and adoption of the innovative approach in the region is quite widespread and growing. >>Read more |
A decade of SRI: Experiences and Learnings
December 30th, 2010, Sustainable Agriculture (Jayaram's Blog)
What is SRI? Where SRI worked? Key lesions learned over decade. >>Read more |
Beyond the rat race
December 29th, 2010, Times of India (Bihar)
Jyoti Devi had never met Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, nor did she know anything about his politics or what his party stood for. So when the call came from the Magadh commissioner. >>Read more |
Less Water, But More Rice
December 29th, 2010, IPS News (Odisha)
Here in India, one of the 40 countries where SRI is now in use, poor tillers of the land are even helping propagate the method by coming up with all sorts of innovations to make it work better for them and their fellow rice farmers across the countrys. >>Read more |
The miracle is it’s no miracle
December 24th, 2010, Nepali Times (Nepali)
Seeing is believing for rice farmers in eastern Nepal who are reaping bumper paddy harvests from fewer seeds. >>Read more |
Training prog needs for healthy agriculture products
December 27th, 2010, E-pao.net (Manipur)
The University is adopting System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of plantation in around 10 hectares of land. The area will be increased to 50 hectares in the next season. >>Read more |
Water management lessons
December 27th, 2010, Deccan Herald (Karnataka)
This has resulted in a depletion of groundwater resources. There is a scarcity of drinking water too, in the region. But, a farmer couple in this region, seem to be undaunted by all this, and have in fact gone on to grow paddy in a region which faces such acute water shortage. Radhamma and Krishnappa hailing from
Channapura village have grown eight bags of paddy on their ten guntas of land, by following the SRI method of cultivation, initially practised by farmers in Madagascar in the 1980s. >>Read more |
Organic SRI rice: higher yields and safe for us and the environment
December 24th, 2010, Consumer.org (UK)
A participant at the CAP Go Natural fair, Cik Salwatinisa from Tunjong, Kelantan proudly displayed a range of organic SRI rice, farmed and milled for consumption by her company, Sunnah Tani Sdn. Bhd. in Tunjong, Kelantan. >>Read more |
Rainfed areas and rice farming – crucial agricultural water issues
December 24th, 2010, IDS Website (UK)
John Thompson works on power, policy and sustainability issues in food and agriculture, water resource management and rural development. He is a STEPS Centre member, IDS Fellow and joint Co-ordinator of the Future Agricultures Consortium. He presents two crucial agricultural water issues to take priority on World Water Day. >>Read more |
Now, pest attack causes concern to farmers
December 19th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
BPT 5204-variety of paddy mostly affected.
Those who followed ‘Rajarajan 1000' technique not hit. >>Read more |
Gene Campaign holds meet to raise rice yield
December 23rd, 2010, Daily Pioneer (Jharkhand)
Gene Campaign is promoting activities of agriculture through various ways and techniques. System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is one of the methods to increase the crop yield twice than traditional method. >>Read more |
Poor are creditworthy and bankable 
December 22nd , 2010, Business Economics (India)
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is an apex institution attributed with policy, planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas.Umesh Chandra Sarangi, Chairman, NABARD spoke to BE’s Bappaditya Chatterjee on NABARD’s various activities and achievements regarding agricultural and rural development. >>Read more |
Farmers to demonstrate new method success
December 22nd , 2010, The Times of India (Jharkhand)
As per claims of agriculture experts, the system has really helped farmers reap a better harvest in comparison to traditional farming. The achievement is being showcased through Kisan Mela being organised by Gene Campaign at Hariharpur Jamtoli village under Bedo block of the district on Wednesday. >>Read more |
More with less 
December 31st, 2010, Down to Earth (India)
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is new mantra for reducing water usage and increasing productivity. >>Read more |
Saving Rice 
December 31st, 2010, Down to Earth (India)
Rice is at the heart of a fierce strategy debate as the country prepares to launch the second Green Revolution in the eastern states. Policymakers and scientists have drawn up ambitious plans to increase the productivity of this cereal which feeds two-thirds of Indian. >>Read more |
The Custodian 
December 31st, 2010, Down to Earth (India)
A retired teacher grows 350 indigenous varieties on his farm. N atabar Sarangi looks at high-yielding varieties that hedge his farm with complete disdain. To him, the only rice that counts is an indigenous variety that boasts a history longer than his. Sarangi is 77. >>Read more |
Kenya Success on SRI 
December 16th, 2010, Dr. V.K. Ravichandran, IAMWARM Project (Tamil Nadu)
Under the South-South Knowledge Exchange Programme by World Bank Institute during January 2010 I have trained 3 batches of Kenyan farmers at Mwea irrigation scheme. During the planting season (Aug – Dec 2010) 100 farmers adopted SRI. The preliminary yield increase recorded was between 7-8 t ha-1 as compared to 5-5.5 t ha-1 under Mwea irrigation scheme using Basmatie an aromatic rice variety. The Kenyan also developed a planting frame by understanding the concept of square planting/ >>Read more |
Paddy sapling planting equipment introduced
December 8th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
The Rs.17.24-lakh equipment is being used for planting paddy saplings under the ‘System of Rice Intensification' method, rechristened in Tamil Nadu as ‘Rajarajan 1000.'. >>Read more |
Koppa farmer grows special variety of paddy
December 8th, 2010, Deccan Herald (Assam)
In a rarest of the sort, a progressive former from Neerukatti of Koppa taluk, Gopalkrishna has succeeded in producing a special variety of Assam paddy in his paddy field >>Read more |
50 per cent paddy cultivation to come under Rajarajan 1000 
December 8th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Adapting to the recent technologies in paddy cultivation, farmers in Karur district have embraced the system of rice intensification (SRI) method of rice cultivation, rechristened as Rajaran 1000. Officials hope to bring 50 per cent of the paddy cultivation under the Rajarajan 1000 system during the current season. The normal area covered under paddy in the district is 16,000 hectares. >>Read more |
Cultivable area of paddy is all set to expand in Madurai district
December 5th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamilnadu)
Raja Rajan-1000 technique will help to increase paddy production: Collector. Many progressive farmers in Mangulam village have taken up cultivation under the technique. >>Read more |
Organic farmer Ghani Khan grows 150 varieties of rice on his farm in Mandya 
December 3rd, 2010, The Hindu (Karnataka)
Green hands: A proponent of organic farming, Ghani Khan grows varieties of rice and mango on his farm at Kirugavulu in Mandya district. >>Read more |
6,000 hectares to come under SRI method 
December 2nd, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Awareness rally on Rajarajan 1,000 technique flagged off. >>Read more |
Thanks giving the icing on SRI success
December 1st, 2010, The Sanghai Express (Assam)
Celebrating the success of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of cultivation adopted at five different places of Chandel and Thoubal district under Weaker Section Development Council, Khangsim, Harvest Thanksgiving Day was held at Khangsim community hall today. >>Read more |
The women who won the 'RICE' against hunger - She has become villagers' envy 
November 30th, 2010, Deccan Herald (Karnataka)
Sugunavva’s efforts to keep her family fed won her a trip to a global conference in the US. >>Read more |
Columbio farmers visited SRI farmers of Palimbang

November 29th, 2010, Bluemarty Wordpress (Philippines)
Local Government Unit (LGU) of Columbio and Rural Development Institute of Sultan Kudarat (RDISK) sent 27 farmers from different villages of Columbio and staff from RDISK and LGU for a 2 days field trip – exposure on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) at Palimbang last November 23-24 of this year. >>Read more |
Field day on SRI conducted in Mokokchung
November 29th, 2010, Nagaland Post (Assam)
Under research extension and farmer linkages (REFL) programme, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, and ATMA along with low land paddy farmers of Mokokchung district took up multi-location trials of SRI (System for Rice Intensification) at different agro ecological situation. >>Read more |
Paddy seeds cocooned in tribal ark 
November 28th, 2010, The Hindu (Kerala)
Tribal families in Wayanad are not willing to let go their unique heritage in paddy cultivation. >>Read more |
Paddy cultivation in doldrums 
November 23rd, 2010, Deccan Herald (Karnataka)
Rice is the main crop in the state, which provides fodder to the cattle. However, owing to the untimely rains, the paddy cultivation is under doldrums, said SKDRDP Agriculture Officer A S Chidanand. >>Read more |
Science support for Nagaon farmers 
November 23rd, 2010, The Telegraph - West Bengal (Nagaon, Assam)
Colour leaf chart, mechanised cultivation, training sessions for better returns. The Nagaon agriculture department will introduce the concept of leaf colour chart among farmers this boro season, which starts next month. >>Read more |
Move to popularise rice cultivation technique
November 21st, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
The Department of Agriculture took out a procession at Kalakkad on Friday to popularise the ‘System of Rice Intensification' method, rechristened as ‘Rajarajan 1000." C. Velkumar, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Kalakkad, who is also the Block Technology Team Convener of Farm Information and Advisory Centre (FIAC) at Kalakkad Block, answered farmers' queries on ‘Rajarajan 1000' method'. >>Read more |
NABARD promoting intensified rice production
November 16th, 2010, Central Chronicle (Madhya Pradesh)
As per S Akbar, Chief General Manager, who heads the NABARD 'S Madhya Pradesh Regional Office, NABARD has, to start with, sanctioned a grant assistance of Rs 51,36 lakhs towards the implementation of SRI project in three districts the state viz, Balaghat, Hoshangbad and Katni. >>Read more |
DC visits paddy field to monitor yield
November 13th, 2010, Sentinel (Assam)
The Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC) Agriculture Department under the initiative of the district administration launched a crop harvesting mission on Friday to get the actual output report of the extra yield variety MTV-1029 (Swarna mushuri) and Arize 6444 of hybrid rice technology whose demonstration was conducted under the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and National Food Security Mission (NFSM). >>Read more |
Good response to ‘Rajarajan 1000' method of paddy cultivation 
November 11th, 2010, The Hindi (Tamilnadu)
Farmers in Krishnagiri district have embraced the system of rice intensification method, rechristened as ‘Rajarajan 1000'. The new system of cultivation had received tremendous response from the farmers in Shoolagiri, Kaveripattinam, Krishnagiri, Hosur and part of Kelamangalam block in the district. But the technology was widespread in the district. >>Read more |
12,000 hectares to be brought under samba 
November 10th, 2010, The Hindi (Tamilnadu)
Timely onset of monsoon raises Perambalur farmers' hope. Farmers of Perambalur district adopting 'Rajarajan 1000' technique in their paddy fields. >>Read more |
Method boosts padi yield 10-odd
November 10th, 2010, Daily Express (East Malaysia)
The "Rice Intensification System" (SRI) method for paddy cultivation using local paddy strains can boost production by up to 10 tonnes per hectares. >>Read more |
50 per cent paddy cultivation to come under Rajarajan 1000 
November 8th, 2010, The Hindi (Tamilnadu)
Adapting to the recent technologies in paddy cultivation, farmers in Karur district have embraced the system of rice intensification (SRI) method of rice cultivation, rechristened as Rajaran 1000. Officials hope to bring 50 per cent of the paddy cultivation under the Rajarajan 1000 system during the current season. The normal area covered under paddy in the district is 16,000 hectares. >>Read more |
The ones who feed the world 
November 5th, 2010, OXFAM America (World Food Prize)
During a US speaking tour organized by Oxfam, four international farmers find common ground with their Iowa counterparts. >>Read more |
A Surprisingly Simple Solution to a Big Climate Change Problem 
November 3rd, 2010, Tree Hunger (Oxfam America)
This guest post was written by Le Ngoc Thach, president of the Dai Nghia cooperative and one of the first SRI farmers in Ha Noi province, courtesy of Oxfam America. >>Read more |
Paddy yield may be higher in Madurai district 
November 2nd, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
The Madurai District Collector, Mr C. Kamaraja, said on Monday that despite complaints of shortage of farm labour and delay in water release, among other problems, a majority of farmers were poised to achieve high paddy yield this season, adopting the “Rajarajan 1000 technique”. Launching a campaign to promote the technique, the Collector operated a paddy transplanting machine on a field at Porusupatti in Madurai East block and transplanted seedlings' . >>Read more |
25,200 hectares to come under samba cultivation 
November 3rd, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
‘Rajarajan 1000 technique gaining popularity among farmers' . >>Read more |
Rice Cono weeder at Fair Earth.com 
November 2nd , 2010, Sustainability Quest (Echo Asia's Blog)
Earlier in 2010, a group of 10 farmers and development organizations pooled an order for cono weeders from India. The ECHO Asia Regional Office helped to organize the pool and distribute the weeders. >>Read more |
Rajarajan 1000 method being aggressively promoted: Erode Collector
October 31th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Over 15,000 hectares of paddy fields in Erode district have been covered under the Rajarajan 1000 (System of Rice Intensification) method till date, Collector T. Soundiah has said >>Read more |
Rice Farming in India - a new method 
October 29th, 2010, Rashid Faridi's Blog (India)
After A new method to grow rice could save hundreds of billions of cubic metres of water while increasing food security, according to a study by World Wildlife Foundation. . >>Read more |
The Skinny on System of Rice Intensification 
October 27th, 2010, Kelly Hauser's One.org (USA)
After my last post, a lot of people were asking recently about System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and whether it uses engineered or hybrid seeds. . >>Read more |
Minister urges farmers to increase yield
October 26th, 2010, IBN Live (Tamil Nadu)
Union Minister of State for Health S Gandhi Selvan has urged farmers to increase the yeild to compensate for the reduction in cultivable area by taking up new paddy cultivation methods like 'Rajarajan 1000'. . >>Read more |
Growing More Rice with Less Water, Fewer Chemicals 
October 25th, 2010, Voice of America (Washington)
Techniques promise bigger yields but questions remain. >>Read more |
A bountiful harvest for Sukku Singh
October 25th, 2010, UK in India (Madhya Pradesh)
A year ago, it seemed unbelievable to Sukku Singh that a generous yield could come from just a few kilos of seeds. He looked at the packet in his hands, just about 2 kilos worth of seeds, and shook his head. But he knew he had to take this chance so he determinedly walked into his field. He never looked back. His eyes now sparkle and face glows as he recounts how he overcame his misgivings and decided to try out the SRI – a method of increasing the yield of rice produced in farming. >>Read more |
Farmers learn about high-yielding varieties
October 25th, 2010, The Hindu (Andhra Pradesh)
About 650 paddy farmers from the neighbouring Ranga Reddy, Medak, Nalgonda and Mahbubnagar districts interacted with agricultural scientists and acquainted themselves with methods of growing high-yielding varieties, hybrids and pest management during a field visit to Directorate of Rice Research (DRR), Rajendranagar, Andhra Pradesh here on Sunday >>Read more |
Interview: Malian rice farmer uses SRI to get more from less

October 22nd, 2010, Kelly Hauser's One.org (World Food Prize)
It was inspiring to hear the farmers speak about how SRI and international development assistance has transformed their lives. After the event, I interviewed Moussa Ag Demba about how SRI and how it has changed his family and community. Moussa was one of the first farmers in Mali to use SRI methods in and is now president of the Federation of the Unions of the Co-operatives of Goundam District, Mali. >>Read more |
Film on rice harvests silver - Mumbai documentary body to fete state filmmaker duo

22nd October 2010, The Telegraph (Jharkhand)
Jharkhand’s noted documentary filmmaker duo Meghnath and Biju Toppo have bagged a silver medal for its theme from Indian Documentary Producers’ Association (IDPA), Mumbai, for their film Ek Ropa Dhan on SRI, a revolutionary method of maximising rice yield by using less water and seeds. >>Read more |
62,500 hectares to be brought under samba
22nd October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Anticipating timely onset of monsoon, Agriculture Department officials have chalked out a special strategy for popularising the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) or ‘Rajarajan 1000' technique for raising the crop in about 29,000 hectares this season . >>Read more |
International guests tour Grundy County farms

21st October 2010, The Grundy Register (World Food Prize)
The international farmers joined Iowa farmers and leaders and staff from Oxfam America to discuss how farmers can play an important role in addressing worldwide poverty and hunger. >>Read more |
Sustainable methods of agriculture in rural communities
21st October, 2010, World Food Program (USA)
With the hope to cut hunger and poverty in half by 2015, as stated in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), there is still a lot of work to be done. With over 70% of the world’s hungry living in the developing world where economic gains rely heavily on agricultural activity, it is important to develop small scale farmers. In Kenya for example, agriculture employs 80 percent of the population and small scale agriculture produces 70 percent of market produce. >>Read more |
Groundbreaking method enables small farmers to grow more food with less water
20th October 2010, Oxfam America (Washington)
Oxfam calls for investment in SRI to feed world’s hungry, adapt to changing climate . >>Read more |
New method yields more rice with less water: Oxfam
20th October 2010, Reuters (USA)
Rice farmers could boost their yields by 50 percent with a new method that uses less water Oxfam America said on Wednesday as climate change and drought threaten the staple crop. >>Read more |
Rice is Life

20th October 2010, Oxfam Blog (Washington)
Over the last few days, I’ve come to see this humble grain in a whole new light - Anna Kramer, OXFAM America. >>Read more |
A bad climate on Food
19th October 2010, The Huffington Post (USA)
SRI can be a game changer helping to increase farmer incomes and reduce hunger for millions of poor people around the world. If governments and donors are serious about efforts to protect our food supply and build resilience to climate change, they will give serious support to SRI programs. But SRI is just one example of the countless ideas out there to support small farmers in the face of climate change. SRI can help us get there, but first the world's leaders must get on board. >>Read more |
Chief Minister asks officials to supply more equipment to farmers
19th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu) Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi on Tuesday advised officials of the State Agriculture Department to supply more equipment required by farmers for the adoption of “Rajarajan 1000” (also known as System of Rice Intensification). >>Read more |
Raja Rajan 1000 – new method of cultivation introduced
19th October 2010, TruthDive (Tamil Nadu)
To increase the Paddy yield, the Namakkal district’s Agriculture Department has taken concerned effort by introducing a new method for cultivation at the Kolli hill tracts of Namakkal. Without giving much importance to the improved technologies, the farmers take up 1500 hectares, where traditional method of cultivation is being pursued. To create awareness among farmers, an exhibition on the new Raja Rajan 1000 method of paddy cultivation was organized in Sengarai village during the Mass Contact Programme. >>Read more |
Efforts on to introduce new cultivation method
19th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
In the hill tracts, the farmers have been registering less than 2,000 kg yield an acre. But by the Raja Rajan 1000 method, they could get more than 3,000 kg an acre,” said S. Sivaraj Joint Director of Agriculture, Namakkal'. >>Read more |
Growing ideas and good will
17th October 2010, Times Republican (World Food Prize)
The farm of Mark Runquist and Linda Barnes of rural Melbourne was transformed into an international exchange Saturday.
The couple hosted a group of international farmers from countries such as Haiti, Vietnam and India as part of program by Oxfam America and the World Wide Fund for Nature on World Food Day'. >>Read more |
Tackling poverty and hunger, one farmer at a time
17th October 2010, Harvest Public Media Blog (World Food Prize)
The farmers, who were in Iowa as a part of the World Food Prize events, came to share their stories and to start a dialogue with American farmers'. >>Read more |
Janeen Madan - SRI: A viable solution to produce more rice, using less water
13th October 2010, Nourishing the Planet (WorldWatch.org)
SRI methods help strengthen food security, improve farmers’ adaptability to climate change and ensure environmental sustainability'. >>Read more |
9,500 hectares to come under ‘Rajarajan 1,000' method

13th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil nadu)
A total of 9,500 hectares of paddy cultivation area in the district would be brought under ‘Rajarajan 1,000' method, a rename for popular method of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) programme this year'. >>Read more |
Farmers urged to use better technology 
13th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil nadu)
Farmers should take up paddy cultivation under the system of rice intensification (SRI) method to get high yield than the conventional transplantation system of cultivation and also switch over to the latest technology of farm mechanisation, said P. Murugesa Boopathy, Vice-Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University. >>Read more |
Rally highlights rice cultivation

13th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil nadu)
For maximum yield: A farmers' rally to popularise ‘Raja Rajan 1000' paddy cultivation method was taken out at Vediyarasampalayam village of Pallipalayam block in Namakkal district in which Collector S. Madhumathi addressing the farmers'. >>Read more |
Indian Firm Leases Gambella Plot for Rice
10th October 2010, Addis Fortune (Ethiopia)
Company plans to cultivate mainly rice for export to the US with system of rice intensification (SRI) that uses less water. >>Read more |
Chief Minister inspects samba cultivation in Tiruvarur
11th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil nadu)
Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi inspected the samba paddy cultivated under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method, which has now been renamed as “Rajarajan 1000” method, at Kovil Thirumalam village in Nannilam taluk in Tiruvarur district. >>Read more |
"Enough food to protect lemurs"
8th October 2010, WWF for a Living Planet (Madagascar article)
The town counts 40,000 inhabitants and most of them are rice farmers - “mpamboly vary”- as they say in Malagasy. Hunger is common and the people are poor, trying desperately to make a living on their rice fields. But things are changing, thanks to the implementation of a new system to grow rice, called the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). >>Read more |
How to boost rice yields
8th October, 2010, Softpedia News (Madagascar article)
For many people in Africa and in the world's poorest regions, rice is the main staple food. But ensuring that production rates keep up with population growth is a challenge. A WWF-led project now shows how to make this a reality. SRI was successfully applied on Madagascar, boosting rice yields considerably. >>Read more |
Lotus Foods presenting SRI at Clinton Global Initiative
7th October 2010, Green Business Network (USA)
SVN member Ken Lee, co-founder of Lotus Foods with Caryl Levine, presented at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative on their work to expand the use of systems of rice intensification (SRI) to alleviate poverty. SRI rice takes a fraction of the resources to grow and boosts yields substantially.. >>Read more |
Seed drill device comes in handy
6th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Paddy sowing on an acrea is done for two hours. Thanks to the intensive campaign to follow the “Rajarajan 1000” technique of paddy cultivation, formerly known as System Rice Intensification (SRI) under the Irrigated Agriculture Moderzisation and Water Bodies Restoration and Management (IAMWARM), the farmers of Ramanathapuram district have been showing curiousness to use seed drill, which was designed by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, for paddy sowing. >>Read more |
SRI method renamed as “Rajarajan 1000”
6th October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Closely on the heels of announcement made by Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi at the Millennium celebrations of Big Temple here recently, the State Government issued orders on September 29 naming the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of cultivation as “Rajarajan 1000.” Joint Directors of Agriculture of Thanjavur and Tiruvarur districts have received the orders stating that SRI method of cultivation will hereafter be called as “Rajarajan 1000” and asked the officials to popularise the new name by putting up boards in fields where SRI method of cultivation has been taken up as “Rajarajan 1000.” >>Read more |
An organic approach to increase rice yield in Bhutan
6th October 2010, Bhutan Observer (Bhutan)
This is regarding a recent statement made by an American economist, Jeffrey D Sachs, on how to raise agricultural yields and on Bhutan’s approach to organic farming. The RNR Research Centre, together with the College of Natural Resources, has evaluated an efficient, economical and environmentally-sound method of growing rice, known as System of Rice Intensification (SRI), which shows promise for overcoming the present low yields in Bhutan. >>Read more |
Krishnagiri tops in SRI paddy cultivation
1st October 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Krishnagiri district has topped in SRI paddy cultivation, K. Rajan, Joint Director, Agriculture, said here on Thursday. In reply to a query raised by K.M. Ramagoundar, Vice-President, Tamizhaga Vivasayigal Sangam, at the farmers' grievances day he said the area under SRI paddy cultivation would be extended during the year 2011-2012. >>Read more |
Bold commitment to innovation
29th September 2010, OXFAM America (USA)
Lé Ngoc Thach made a commitment – and a guarantee – to help farmers grow more rice. >>Read more |
Jim Carrey is back - Cultivating a Better Universe through rice
22nd September 2010, Huffington Post (USA)
I may not be a scientist, but I know a great idea when I see it. Since its humble beginnings in the 1980s on the African island of Madagascar, SRI has spread to 40 countries and has been endorsed by presidents, prime ministers, leading conservation groups, and agricultural scientists. The practice has thrived in some of the harshest climates the planet has to offer. >>Read more |
Training in template technology
September 22nd, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
The members of Green Army, who have been assisting farmers in modern farming in Salem district, also underwent an intense training in the template technology nursery for System Rice Intensification (SRI) along with farmers at Kullampatti in Sankagiri block near here. >>Read more |
Mobile assistance unit inaugurated
September 18th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
T.Thangavelu, Joint Director of Agriculture, said that it has been planned to set up 2050 demonstration plots on SRI technique in the district. Inputs including fertiliser,urea and implements such as Marker in all worth Rs.3,000 would be released to the farmers.. >>Read more |
NADP for raising paddy through the SRI technique
September 17th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Ten farmers got assistance to the tune of Rs. 3 lakh under the National Agriculture Development Project for raising paddy through the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique. >>Read more |
460 weeders to be distributed free of cost in Tirupur
September 15th, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
To help the paddy growers combat the weeds, the Department of Agriculture had decided to distribute 460 cono weeders free to as many numbers of those paddy farmers who had opted for System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methodology of (paddy) cultivation in the district. >>Read more |
Largest rice consumer, West Bengal faces demand-supply challenge
September 12th, 2010, News Yahoo India (West Bengal)
Faced with insufficient rainfall, some farmers have also started shifting towards SRI (system of rice intensification) method of cultivation, which requires less water and has a higher yield than conventional methods. >>Read more |
Parched farmers pray for rain - continuing dry spell affects alternative crop farming

September 6th, 2010, Telegraph India (Jharkhand)
“Farmers are also being trained in cultivation of alternative crops in each panchayat,” said the agriculture officer. He added that training in a new method of rice cultivation, known as system of rice intensification (SRI), has also been imparted to farmers with the help of experts from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Baliapur. >>Read more |
System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Zero Budget Natural Farming 
September, 2010, Blog Spot (Kadayalurutti, Tamil Nadu)
This has lead to significantly higher yield despite the decrease in input costs when compared to the traditional methods of cultivation that have been in practice in India. In the SRI technique you can avoid inorganic chemical application as fertilizer completely >>Read more |
Reflections on growing rice - and the departed - in Vietnam

September 3rd, 2010 by Chris Hufstader, OXFAM America.
Farmers work together to improve their techniques in the north >>Read more |
Sawah System for AfricaRice

31st August, 2010, Waterlink International (Africa)
The Benin-based Africa Rice Centre (AfricaRice) has launched a project to help African rice farmers maximise the potential of inland valleys through ecological management. The new project will focus on the testing and adaptation of a proven rice production technology used in Asia, known as Sawah.>>Read more |
Promote SRI paddy: Ongole District Collector
28th August, 2010, The Hindu (Andhra Pradesh)
“An ambitious target of 7,380 hectares has been fixed for SRI during this kharif in the district,” official sources said. It was also decided to step up cultivation of redgram in 7,000 hectares, greengram in 7,380 hectares. “SRI, which is a bit more labour-intensive, will be more beneficial to small and marginal farmers,” he said, and directed the officers concerned to popularise SRI and arrange for training to peasants. .>>Read more |
NABARD scheme balm on dry spell (in Bihar)
23rd August, 2010, Telegraph India (Bihar)
The Bihar regional office of the NABARD has sanctioned projects worth Rs 1.37 crore to mitigate the hardship of the farmers, caused by drought, in this part of the state. The SRI project is likely to boost the farm production of the farmers of the region as they generally grow a late variety of rice. The farmers' production would have dwindled because of lack of rainfall during July-August, 2010. The project looks to propagate the SRI amongst 4,480 farmers of Bhagalpur and Banka districts.>>Read more |
Agriculture Dept sets a target of 5000 to distribute weeders
19th August, 2010, E-pao.net (Manipur)
The Department of Agriculture, Farm Mechanisation Division has set a target of distributing 4000 to 5000 Kono weeders for use in System of Rice Intensification method of cultivation.>>Read more |
Minister initiates 'SRI' mode of cultivation

August 17th, 2010, Deccan Chronicle (Andhra Pradesh)
The minister for cooperation, labour and employment, Mr Ramreddy Venkata Reddy, has initiated System of Rice Intensification (SRI) mode of paddy cultivation on Monday (16th August 2010) at his native village Pathalingala under Kamepalli mandal in the district.>>Read more |
M.S. Swaminathan said, "farmers here should opt for SRI which requires considerably less water".
August 17th 2010, Deccan Chronicle (Tamil Nadu Edition)
“Hence, farmers here should opt for SRI which requires considerably less water,” he said. He said the granaries in Tamil Nadu could be filled up by proper water and energy management. “Samba and Thaladi are our main crops and government must launch immediate action to save at least these two crops. We cannot predict the vagaries of the northeast monsoon which usually brings us copious rains.">>Read more |
SRI Hero of Bastar Sevak Mandal in Kharif - 2010
16th August, 2010, BSM website (Chattisgarh)
Mr. Dhansingh (A.E.W,Kondagaon) proved himself as Hero of Bastar Sevak Mandal in this khariff-2010 season for Promoting SRI to 70 farmers in 3 villages. BSM family congratulates him for his great efforts in promoting this new agriculture practice to villagers, which will add his efforts as development to Nation.>>Read more |
Create confidence among farmers
12th August, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Though farmers were initially hesitant to adopt the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique, many agriculturists have now started to follow this method realising the two-fold increase in yield by using this technique.>>Read more |
SRI picks up steam in Permabalur, Ariyalur
9th August, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Mr. Sivakumar said it had been planned to bring 1,000 hectares under kuruvai cultivation - 600 hectares in Ariyalur and 400 in Perambalur district. But, nearly 1,903 hectares had been brought under 'kuruvai'. As for the SRI technique, he said a target of 600 hectares was planned in the ‘kuruvai' crop. So far, 652 hectares - 480 in Ariyalur and 172 in Perambalur districts - have been brought under cultivation. He also said the sugarcane growers were also responsive to the precision cultivation technique.>>Read more |
Rice production to go up in Tirupur district

9th August, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
Rice production is set to increase in the district this fiscal as the Department of Agriculture plans to popularise System of Rice Intensification (SRI) techniques more among paddy farmers by setting up 460 demonstration plots spread across the district.>>Read more |
Stress on SRI to meet demand for foodgrains
2nd August, 2010, The Hindu (Tamil Nadu)
In the face of rising population, there is increase in demand for foodgrains. The demand-supply gap can be filled only through higher yield and this can be achieved by adopting System of Rice Intensification (SRI), said R. Palanisamy, Collector.>>Read more |
Prakasam officials asked to speed up canal moderanization works
24th July 2010, The Hindu (Andhra Pradesh)
The District Collector urged the Agriculture department officials to popularise the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Paddy cultivation, which required less water, less expenditure and most-suited for peasants, particularly small and marginal farmers.>>Read more |
Special package for paddy growers
24th July 2010, The Hindu (Andhra Pradesh)
Move aims at stepping up paddy production under NFSM-Rice Scheme. For details, farmers can contact Agricultural Extension Centre.>>Read more |
UPA trying to corporatize agriculture: Manik Sarkar
27th July 2010, The Indian News Portal (Tripura)
“The Tripura government has been cultivating rice in large areas through system of rice intensification (SRI) method.”>>Read more |
Grain output up in Tamil Nadu, despite less rain

30th July 2010, Business Standard (Tamil Nadu)
S Kosalraman, commissioner of agriculture, Tamil Nadu government ,said the government had introduced system rice intensification (SRI) to overcome the water shortage and maximise production. The area under SRI had been increased from 2,000 hectares to 600 thousand hectares last year. This year, it would be increased to 0.85 million hectares.>>Read more |
NABARD paddy project launched
Telegraph India, 22nd July 2010 (Jharkhand)
The Rs 5-crore project will be implemented in 22 districts over two years. If the experiment succeeds, it will be extended to other districts. NABARD launched a pilot project to popularize the SRI for paddy cultivation>>Read more |
NEPAL: Training farmers to adapt to unpredictable weather
IRIN News, 19th July 2010 (Nepal)
Rising temperatures, drought, floods and landslides have combined to kill crops and leave millions hungry in Nepal.FAO will also introduce a “system of rice intensification”, which requires less water and is appropriate for areas with uncertain rainfall. Still, the agency says more investment is needed to assist Nepalese farmers and ensure long-term food security, instead of reliance on food aid. ..>>Read more |
NABARD promotes new tech to push
Financial Express, 19th July 2010 (Hyderabad)
As part of one of its thrust areas for the current year, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (Nabard) is promoting the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of cultivation across the country. SRI is quite popular in the southern rice-growing states such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. A partnership programme has been envisaged by the central government, Nabard and Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and Allied Trusts for this promotional project to help small and marginal rice farmers..>>Read more |
The SRI Method is catching on
The Hindu, 17th July 2010 (Tamil Nadu)
Crop yield is 20 per cent more per acre. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of paddy cultivation is becoming popular in Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu. The farmers were trained by the Agriculture Department as they had to handle water and manpower shortage.>>Read more |
Precision farming in Krishnagiri
The Hindu, 15th July 2010 (Tamil Nadu)
Collector V. Arun Roy inspected various projects undertaken under the Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation and Water Bodies Restoration and Management in the district on Wednesday. Mr. Roy inspected the paddy fields in Shoolagiri and Krishnagiri Panchayat Union under the precision farming and System of Rice Intensification (SRI) methods.>>Read more |
SRI demonstrated to farmers at Pongitong
Nagaland Post, 14th July 2010 (Nagaland)
KVK, Wokha, ICAR, Nagaland Centre conducted frontline demonstration programme on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) at Pongitong village on July 13 sponsored by ATMA, Wokha with N. Khumdemo Ezung, Programme Coordinator(i/c) and SMS(Agronomy), KVK Wokha as the resource person for providing the technical inputs during the demonstration.>>Read More |
NABARD to promote high yield rice cultivation in Andhra Pradesh
Business Standard, Express Buzz - July 13th 2010 (Andhra Pradesh)
One lakh farmers in the rain-fed areas of the State will be brought together through NGOs by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to promote system of rice intensification (SRI) method, according to P. Mohanaiah, Chief General Manager, of NABARD, AP region.>>Business Standard, >>Express Buzz |
Rice: Food for Thought 
India Today , 11th July 2010 (India)
Most people think there are two kinds of rice, a handful of coarse varieties and some refined versions like basmati. Wrong. There are actually thousands of indigenous varieties of rice, some of which could ensure permanent food security..>>Read more |
Plan to bring 13,800 hectares under SRI Mode
The Hindu - 9th July 2010 (Tamil Nadu )
Collector M. Jayaraman evaluated the performance of the newly introduced weeder equipment in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) paddy fields at Tharuvai near here on Thursday. The mechanised weeder, using petrol as its fuel, has replaced the hitherto used cono-weeder in the SRI paddy fields and has the capacity to cover a minimum of four to six acres a day, saving a lot of money and time for the farmer.>>Read More |
Jharkhand develops new way of paddy farming
igovernment.in, 7th July 2010 (Jharkhand)
Worried about poor monsoon for paddy cultivation? Just go for a change and try a new farming technique—from conventional to innovative one. And you can produce paddy in even on arid land, though the quantum of produce may not match the yield with the one blessed with showers.>>Read More |
Farmers' patronage for SRI method on the rise
The Hindu - 7th July 2010 (Tamil Nadu )
The Agriculture Department had fixed the target of raising paddy crops on over 11,000 hectares. The ‘System of Rice Intensification' method is swiftly picking up in different parts of Kanyakumari district following the increased awareness created by the Department of Agriculture.>>Read More |
Rs. 7.44 crores allocated under NFSS in Tamil Nadu district
The Hindu - 4th July 2010 (Tamil Nadu)
A target of over 75,000 hectares had been allocated for System of Rice Intensification (SRI) cultivation in the district for the current year.>>Read More |
New tech to help Bengal cut water consumption
Financial Express - 3rd July 2010 (West Bengal)
At a time when productivity is dwindling in West Bengal, farmers are trying out a new method, Systemic Rice Intensification, to increase productivity. The new method uses 40% less water and has helped increase production by 20% in some blocks of the state.>>Read More |
SRI method of paddy cultivation turns fruitful

The Hindu - 2nd July 2010 (Tamil Nadu)
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method of paddy cultivation is becoming popular in Thanjavur district. Training given by the Agriculture Department for farmers, particularly village presidents, has yielded results. Many have developed demonstration fields — a practice which is copied by others..>>Read More. |
Agricultural programme conducted at Saikul
Hueiyen News Service - June 30, 2010, (Assam)
Zougam Institute for Community Resources Development (ZOCORD) has recently launched a programme on baseline orientation on the role and functions of the farmers' club at Saijang community hall, Saikul Bazar, Sadar Hills.>>Read More. |
Agriculture Department to introduce bio-fertilizers on large scale
The Sanghai Express - 29th June 2010 (Imphal, Assam)
Bio-fertilizers would be introduced in 10,000 hectares of paddy fields under the Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana at the rate of four Kgs per hectare.>>Read More. |
Rice project helps farmers boost yields
Vientiane Times - 28th June 2010 (Vietnam)
The Livelihood Impro-vement Project for the Rural Poor in Laos aims to boost production by adopting low-input rice farming technology, known as the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), to help improve rice farmers’ living conditions in target areas.>>Read More. |
Kenya team studies SRI project

The Hindu - 26th June 2010 (Tamil Nadu)
An 18-member team of Kenyan agricultural officials, along with two Japanese students, on Friday visited various parts of Villupuram district to study the implementation of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and minor irrigation projects.
Ceremonial harvesting of Rice cultivated by SRI at Nagaon
Assam Times - 27th June 2010 (Assam) The Nagaon District cell of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) organised a “Harvesting Ceremony” on SRI (System of Rice Intensification) on Boro Rice at Salaguri village near Dhing on the 22nd June, 2010.>>Read More |
Plan to adopt SRI method on 36,800 hectares

The Hindu - 23rd June 2010 (Tamil Nadu)
The Department of Agriculture, which has set a target of cultivating paddy on 92,000 hectares in Tirunelveli during the current fiscal, has proposed to adopt System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique on 36,800 hectares. According to District Collector M. Jayaraman though it was decided to adopt SRI technique.>>Read More |
Nan focuses on RIS rice farming
La News Agency - 23rd June 2010
The harvest of rice plantation with SRI techniques was over 448.3 tonnes of rice and on average, a hectare could produce 7.06 tonnes of paddy rice. Besides to SRI rice plantation, Nan farmers planted rice on over 2,000 ha in 17 villages with a harvest of 7,166 tonnes of rice and a rice yielding capacity of 4.5 tonnes per ha.>>Read More |
Orissa sets kharif target at 76.64 lakh tonne
Sify.com - 23rd June 2010
The Orissa government has set a target to produce 74.64 lakh tonnes of food grain during the current kharif season. This is about 1.06 lakh tonnes (1.4 per cent) more than the previous year’s achievement of 73.58 lakh tonnes.>>Read More |
NABARD aid for paddy
Telegraph India - 22nd June 2010
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has decided to initiate steps to ensure better production of rice in Jharkhand through implementation of the system of rice intensification (SRI) in villages. It has decided to rope in NGOs for starting the project across the state. >>Read More |
SRI seed farmers left in the lurch

The Hindu - 19th, June 2010
.Efforts are being made to increase yield. The idea is to increase average cane yield from 65 tonnes to 100 tonnes a hectare. – Mr. Prakash Naiknavare, Managing Director, MSCSFF's interview with Business Line shared his views on the problems of the industry and possible solutions>>Read More |
Rice cultivation: Farmers encouraged to use SRI technique
Times of India - Allahad City - 18th, June 2010
The SRI technique is gaining popularity among farmers. The farmers of Allahabad and Kaushambi are adopting this technique. SRI is quite popular Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.. >>Read More |
RIS rice plantation experiment in Pek is successful
Lao Voices - 9th, June 2010
.Through applying the RIS techniques, on average, we could harvest 5.4 tonnes of rice per ha and one cluster of rice seedlings could grow to 28-32 shoots with an average height of 13 cm and each stalk has 230 grains including only eight malformed grains...>> Read More |
Farmers give SRI tips to experts
Times of India - June 9th, 2010
It comes to taking a robust crop from minimum investment, this teenager is miles ahead of many agriculture experts. So much so that the Ghantadih boy donned the role of a farming expert on Tuesday while imparting knowledge about System of Root Intensification (SRI) method of paddy farming to around 50 senior agriculture extension officers of Bihar.. >> Read More |
Double cropping programme launched to ensure food security
Eastern Mirror - June 5th, 2010 (Nagaland)
The Department of Agriculture in its efforts to double the production of food grains to ensure food security has already started introduction of different crop production technologies. >> Read More |